Call In The Experts To Lay Your Pipes!

When you are constructing or remodeling your home, be it one room or the whole house, you should be sure that there is going to be pipe work needed because water is essential in every room. The assumption here is that you have bathrooms in your master and adjacent bedrooms. Nevertheless, you will find that water and other forms of conveyance are crucial things when construction your house or office.

It is important to find a company that can offer you all the advice, expertise and skill that will leave you satisfied, during and after the construction of your new house or office. The piping should be done in a professional manner such that your walls or wherever they are laid will be discreet, and still accessible in case of anything. Rule number one of piping is always to prevent the leak but beauty and style are fast catching up.

There are various methods you can have your pipes laid out. This is depends on several factors such as preference, convenience and future repairs. With this in mind, we can lay pipes for you in the following ways:

• Overlays

Overlays are pipes laid in a way they are visible to the naked eye, they are not hidden or buried and can be accessed at any time. This piping is done when there is a junction, a meter, or a tap long the pipe at that section. It is not the most preferable but it is the easiest to fix incase anything such as a bust happens on it. It is suitable for industrial companies where they can be used in times of emergencies. They are also used where the water bill has to be read from a meter.

Some overlays can be done inside the house while others can be done outside the house. Those inside the house are normally found within the ceiling or the basement to ensure that they do not cause accidents or bring out a bad picture in a house that is impeccably finished. Most of these overlays find themselves to the boiler room where most of the main tap is found to assist in controlling water by shutting it or opening it if need be.

• Underground


This is the most preferred mode of piping because it is discreet, safe and away from vandals. Once the pipes are laid underground, the owner of the house or office is given maps showing where the pipes have passed so that incase of any accidents or bursts, they can quickly access and assess the damage to ensure that the fixing is done and inconveniences caused by dry taps come to an end.

Another form of “underground “piping, is in the wall piping which means that the pipes are plastered into the wall during construction or remodeling. This creates lot of space and makes the room look attractive. These piping come out of the walls as faucets and taps. You will find this type of piping in bathrooms, kitchens and lawn sprinklers.

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